"from many eras of this life...clean, dirty, dark, psychedelic, beautiful, painful, brittle, colorful, and raw..."

Dillon Jo
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David Reposar
Dedicated to Silver Lucy (1971 - 2020)

The feeling when someone makes you feel completely seen, heard, and understood. Like you are the only person in the room.

9 years ago...
I met Silver Lucy - fashion icon, designer, Pantone color librarian, empath, selfless creative, and highly adorned creature who ignited the fire of inspiration that unleased this body of work I call SILVERSTUCK. The word represents the feeling she created in our collaborative friendship. To be completely seen and heard, she made everyone around her feel incredibly special.

I had no idea where our work would go, but we would always show up and make ART... It was spontaneous and visionary in it's shape and form. We just had to make and produce art in our lives.
Over the six years that felt like a life time of profound creation, Silver continues to inspire beyond the thin veil and I have no doubt she is watching and participating in every way because energy never dies.

'I am simply a conduit, a steward to keeping Silver's spirit circulating in the creative realm in time and space.' - David Reposar


Jennifer Cuaro
a conduit of expression -- where 'Channeling' resides.

What I make comes from a state where conscious thoughts are lost, allowing a creative force to flow through.

A known origin of inspiration is unclear, and I enjoy the serendipitous journey where formless ideas take shape through clay and kiln.

Each piece is an ephemeral dance between the unseen and the material, a visual translation of the dialogue between the void and the crafted.

'Channeling' invites you to immerse in the enigma of creation, where the silent whispers of the unknown manifest into the tangible.
- Jennifer Alvarez


Patricia Currie Wren

Patricia is a multidisciplinary artist of Scottish descent working in San Francisco, CA. She grew up in New Jersey in the post-punk 80's and received her B.A. in Art History and English Literature at Rutgers University. She's participated in workshops on street photography and artist books at the Tate Modern while living in London 2002-2006.

Since moving to California in 2006, she has studied photography, pottery and many paper-related disciplines. This multi-faceted show included works on paper (original and prints) of collage and monoprints.


David Reposar

PREHUMAN was the inaugural show at Venus & Victory's 824 Hyde St location. Inspired by the fascinating evolution of creatures that have survived and adapted over millions of years, enduring mass extinctions, yet now face new threats from the climate crisis and micro-plastic pollution. Ten percent of all sales proceeds were donated to the Clean Ocean Project.

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Save group of elements as components and reuse them.


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Add animation to your designs to give them a more captivating look.